Meal Donation

Meal donation is Greatest Donation

  • The money given for the food donation of the old age home does not decrease, it keeps on increasing, just like drawing water from a well, it becomes cleaner and increases the water supply.
  • A giver of food is a real giver of life.
  • Those who do not donate food have to starve in this world.
  • Food donation is a charity where both the giver and receiver are physically satisfied.
  • Many generations of the giver of food are saved.
  • Giving food to the hungry and the needy and these two things are useful in the Hereafter.
  • By donating to an old age home, fatherhood is satisfied and merit is gained.
  • By donating to an old age home, old age does not suffer.
  • Doing human service means remembering God’s name. !!
  • Service to humanity is real service to God!!

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